Welcome to the website (the "Site") of YPF Energía Eléctrica SA (“YPF Luz"), where you will find information about our company, its products and services, aimed at customers, suppliers, and other interested parties. By entering this Site, Users agree to the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy. Therefore, we suggest that you read this page carefully before accessing and/or using any functionality of the Site. If you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions or the Privacy Policy you must refrain from using the Site.


The Terms and Conditions define the general conditions of access and use of the Site by those who access and/or use its functions (hereinafter the "Users").


YPF Luz reserves the right to modify or eliminate the content, structure, design, services, and conditions of access and/or use of this Site, as well as its Terms and Conditions, at any time and without prior notice, so it is recommended that Users periodically consult this page.


Access to and use of this Site is subject to the laws of the United States. The user undertakes to use it without contravening applicable legislation, good faith, and public order. Any use for illicit purposes or that harms or impedes, may damage and/or overload, in any way, the use or normal operation of the Site or that directly or indirectly violates the rights of YPF Luz, or any third party is prohibited.


YPF Luz is the owner of the domain www.ypfluz.com and owns the intellectual property rights and any other rights over the content of the Site, which consists of images, videos, audio, trademarks, designations, designs, logos, phrases, documents, source code, among others (hereinafter the "Content"). The Content may not be used without the prior and express authorization of YPF Luz. Users may make copies of the content only when authorized to do so or when it is content that YPF Luz is obliged to communicate to the public by current regulations. Any reproduction and use to the contrary of the content is expressly prohibited.


Access to the Site and any use of the information contained in it is the sole responsibility of the user. YPF Luz is not responsible for any possible consequences, damages or losses that may arise from access to or use of information. YPF Luz is not responsible for damages that may be caused by viruses, malicious or harmful programs in the Contents and/or any other agent that may infect or affect in any way the computer system(s) used by the User. YPF does not guarantee that the information, text, graphics, links or content of all articles included in the Site are accurate or complete, nor does it undertake to update the information contained therein. YPF Luz is not responsible for the lack of availability, continuity, access, maintenance, and effective operation of the Site and/or its services and/or the updating, accuracy, completeness, relevance, timeliness and reliability of its Contents, whatever the cause, difficulties or technical or other problems that may originate it. Likewise, it is not responsible for the reception, obtaining, storage, dissemination and/or transmission by the Users of the Contents of the Site. Under no circumstances will YPF Luz be liable for the content included in websites owned by third parties connected by hypertext links to the Site as an extension of the information services provided to Users, and over which YPF Luz has no editorial control.


In the event of disputes, the laws in force in the Argentine Republic shall be applicable and the Ordinary Courts seated in the City of Buenos Aires shall be competent, excluding any other jurisdiction and/or jurisdiction.


Comments, suggestions, or complaints regarding this Site may be sent to:
YPF Energía Eléctrica SA (YPF Luz)



Macacha Güemes 515, Piso 3 - CABA 1106BKK - Argentina


This Data Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy") is aimed at those who access and/or use the functionalities of the www.ypfluz.com website (the "Site”). This Policy regulates the processing, by YPF Luz or its controlled companies ("YPF Luz"), of any information referred to Users and collected through this site ("Personal Data").
In this way, we comply with the duties of information and consent established in Law 25,326 Personal Data Protection and its complementary regulations (hereinafter the "LPDP").
By using the Site and/or entering or submitting Personal Data, users agree to this Policy along with the Terms and Conditions.
This Policy describes:
  • What data is collected, how it is used, and for what purpose.
  • How the company protects Personal Data.
  • The rights of Data Subjects and how to exercise them.
  • The consequences of providing the data or the inaccuracy of the data.


Personal Data is processed in accordance with the provisions of the LPDP. Therefore, this Site does not collect Personal Data, unless the Users themselves provide it voluntarily. The Company will never use Personal Data for purposes other than those included in this Policy. Depending on the User's use of the Site, Personal Data will be used for one or more of the following purposes:
  • Comply with obligations agreed with users.
  • Manage contact requests (commercial contacts, journalistic contacts, among others), queries or complaints from users.
  • Enable other activities and/or interactions available on the Site.
  • Facilitate the processing of data by third parties, as established in the following section.
Processing of data by third parties and international transfer of data: From time to time, the companies of the YPF Group may provide certain Personal Data to each other when this is necessary to fulfil the purposes established on the Site. In some cases, YPF Luz may communicate Personal Data to companies that provide products or services, or to third parties that process data on behalf of YPF Luz. The purpose of these services may be to:
  • Processing orders or customer service.
  • Support for YPF Luz's marketing activities. (The data will not be shared with any third party for their own marketing purposes.)
  • Data storage.
Both YPF Luz and the external service providers that process Personal Data on behalf of YPF Luz may store this information on computer servers located in third countries. YPF Luz undertakes to take the necessary precautions for the best conservation and protection of this information, in accordance with the requirements and parameters of the LPDP. Likewise, YPF Luz may disclose Personal Data by legal mandate, within the framework of a judicial process or at the request of an authority, both inside or outside the country. Similarly, we may publish personal information if it is necessary or convenient for reasons of national security, to comply with applicable law, or for other relevant reasons of public interest.


YPF Luz has adopted measures and levels of security for the protection of personal data required by the applicable regulations. The personal data collected through this Site is processed in an automated manner and stored in databases owned by YPF Luz, duly registered with the National Registry of Databases.

All private communications between YPF Luz and the Data Subjects/Users are considered confidential. In addition, the information exchanged by both parties will be confidential.

We recommend that the Data Subject does not provide any third party with their username, password or reference numbers provided by YPF Luz. All information and Personal Data entered by the user are an affidavit. YPF Luz is not responsible for the accuracy of the personal data provided by users but will guarantee its accuracy and safeguarding. The data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected unless the law requires it to be kept for a longer period.


Data Subjects may exercise the right of access to their data free of charge, duly accrediting their identity, at intervals of no less than six months, unless a legitimate interest is accredited in accordance with the provisions of Article 14, paragraph 3 of Law No. 25,326. Likewise, when applicable, Data Subjects have the right to exercise their rights of rectification and deletion of data. To exercise the rights, the Data Subject must submit a request, in person or remotely, by any of the following means: email, letter document and/or written presentation with a certified signature before a Bank or Notary and/or letter or telegram. The application must include:
  1. Name and Surname
  2. Certified copy of ID card or legally valid document that proves identity.
  3. Address and zip code.
  4. Telephone.
  5. Email.
  6. Specification of the type of right being exercised: right of access, right to erasure, right to rectification, right to update or right to be kept confidential. In the latter three cases, a brief justification of the request must be provided.
  7. Means through which the information is to be obtained (in writing, by electronic, telephone, image, or other suitable means, in accordance with article 15.3 of Law 25326.
  8. Holographic signature at the end of the application. If the request is made via electronic messaging, a digital signature may be included.
Depending on the means chosen, the request must be made to:
YPF Energía Eléctrica SA – Legal Department
Macacha Güemes 515, Piso 3 –Buenos Aires City 1106BKK
Telephone: +54 11 5441 7910
Email: sugerenciasypfluz@YPF.com
Only requests that aim to exercise the rights regulated by Law 25,326 on the Protection of Personal Data will be attended.
The Agency for Access to Public Information, in its capacity as the Control Body of Law No. 25,326, has the power to deal with complaints and claims filed by those whose rights are affected by non-compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data.